An Israeli Workshop Focused on Ending Racism
English translation of the preceding article:
A Regional Workshop was recently held in Israel, led by our Regional Reference Person, Merchi Shukrun-Lior. Almost seventy Co-Counselors participated, representing all of the Israeli Areas. The workshop focused on racism and in particular the racism of Ashkenazim toward Mizrachim in Israel. Merchi described the many ways it affects our lives—from our personal relationships both in and out of RC to its connection with the climate crisis. Work on racism is clearly an integral part of Community building, building close relationships, and taking RC seriously.
Although we faced hard facts and feelings, the workshop was characterized by closeness and good attention. This was visible during playtime, in a wonderful and creative evening culture sharing, and in spontaneous singing (which is unusual for us) at the beginning of the closing circle.
Thank you, Merchi, for your faith in RC, all the work and thought you put into building our Community, and the way in which you showed yourself and saw us at the workshop—lovingly and with courage.
Shefayim, Israel
Reprinted from the RC e-maildiscussion list for leaders of Jews
(Present Time 198, January 2020)