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Young People and Computer Games

I’m the mother of twelve-year-old twins, both raised in RC. Lately my son has become fascinated with computer games, and one in particular called FIFA.

Earlier both my twins were interested in Minecraft, and we’d play it together during special time. It was well regarded among teachers, so I didn’t feel it was a time suck, but we’d limit the time we spent on it to twenty minutes each weekend day.

Then my son said that he wanted to try FIFA, which is basically a soccer game with well-known players. (He loves one player in particular.) Again, I would play it with him during special time. However, he has become obsessed with this game. He gets up early to play it—way before his father and I are up—and gets very upset when it’s time for him to stop, for which I’ve given him plenty of sessions.

Lately he has even lied to his dad and me about how much he plays. He has never lied to us before (or at least we haven’t known about it).

At a recent pumpkin-carving party, I noticed he connects with other boys around the game, which might be part of the pull. But I also know that these games can be addictive.

Does anyone have thoughts about setting limits for game time?


Reprinted from the RC e-mail discussion list for leaders of parents

(Present Time 198, January 2020)

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00