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January 2025
Present Time
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We Can End Capitalism

Julian Weissglass, International Commonality
Reference Person for Wide World Change

When Harvey Jackins appointed me to this job twenty-two years ago, I set a goal of the world’s resources being shared equally and the essential resources being preserved forever. I didn’t know then, in 1997, that the resource of human beings was also in danger.

When I started my tenure as Reference Person and worked with people, what came up for them was fear and terror—resulting from previous wars, political violence, and the criticism they received as young people when they spoke about the irrationalities of society.

Almost all the problems referred to at this meeting by my intelligent colleagues have been either caused or intensified by capitalism. We need to end capitalism, or it’s going to end us—through climate change or nuclear war. And that’s what my work is about.

What do we need to do? We need to organize. We need to make connections. We need to take action. We cannot wait. We can end capitalism. It is possible.

We need to counsel on early defeats, as Tim Jackins has been encouraging us to do for the last several years. We also need to counsel on the later defeats, what I call the societal defeats, that made us realize that not only our families but also the whole society was irrational. If we do that work, we will regain our hope and our courage, and we will end capitalism.

Santa Barbara, California, USA


Last modified: 2019-10-19 22:46:29+00