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Draft Program for the
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Present Time
January 2025
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Goodness and Respect

“David Nijinsky,” Assistant International Liberation Reference
Person for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Queer, and Transgender People

Goodness and respect—these are the two most important things to remember about LGBQT [Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Queer, and Transgender] people. We are good and deserving of complete respect for who we are, and for the journey and decisions we have made that have brought us to where we are today.

It is also important for allies to remember how badly we have been hurt. Gay oppression is vicious and targets anyone and everyone who steps outside of the rigid and oppressive stereotypes attached to “male” and “female.” Our group has been particularly targeted and bullied, and abused physically and sexually. We have struggled with alcohol and other drug addictions, feeling suicidal, and “mental health” oppression. Gay oppression has targeted us where it can hurt the most, denying us our families, our homes, our everyday safety, and the people we love.

It is tempting to believe that Gay oppression has ended, now that Gay marriage is legal in some countries and Gay celebrities and stories abound in the mass media. Yet around the world, even in countries where there has been progress, we LGBQT people are still targeted, oppressed, and even killed for the decisions we have made and the stands we have taken.

Gay oppression limits everyone’s lives and choices. Without oppression, we are all human. The Gay identities have been bulwarks against oppression, and their importance to people should not be taken lightly, even as we view them as temporary adaptations to an oppressive society.

Everyone needs to work more on sex, closeness, frozen needs, early isolation and defeat, and identities of all kinds, including sexual and gender identities. Making this work accessible to LGBQT people is an important contribution RC can make to Gay liberation and ending oppression and hurt for all people. But making RC accessible has to begin with remembering our goodness and respecting who we are.



Last modified: 2019-10-19 22:18:17+00