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U.S. Immigrants &
Children of Immigrants
of Global Majority
Sunday, March 2
Cheng Imm Tan


Draft Program for the
Transformation of Society
Introduction Page
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Present Time
January 2025
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How I Got My Community to Read

I led four three-hour evening classes. Each was an intensive [several one-way counseling sessions] for a different person. Nine Community members participated.

The person receiving the intensive sent everyone information about a current goal or pattern they were working on, what had been useful in contradicting the pattern, and parts of their life story that were related to the pattern. I sent everyone a list that included the constituencies the person belonged to, what we’d been led to think about people in those constituencies, and what was actually true about them.

I also suggested a few articles people could read on the RC website () related to the person’s identities or to challenges she or he was facing.

Because the articles I recommended were related to a person they were close to, people read! I think everyone was surprised about that—and pleased.

Marilyn McEnery

Danville, Vermont, USA

Reprinted from the e-mail discussion
list for RC Community members

Last modified: 2019-10-18 07:13:27+00