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U.S. Immigrants &
Children of Immigrants
of Global Majority
Sunday, March 2
Cheng Imm Tan


Draft Program for the
Transformation of Society
Introduction Page
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Present Time
January 2025
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“Throwing My Life into the Air”

I attended the West Coast USA Care of the Environment Workshop led by Diane Shisk, Irene Hong Ping Shen, and Alma Soongi Beck.

Since the workshop, I can envision more profoundly a world in which we don’t use fossil fuels and aren’t organized around greed and profit. This has been helpful, and clearly attributable to the work we did.

I’ve also found it easier to move forward.

I started an RC support group for reading all the information about climate change on the RC website (see <>). Eight members of our small Community plan to meet weekly. We met today for the first time, and it went well.

In the wide world I initiated and organized a town hall meeting on the Green New Deal. The people who attended were mostly community leaders and activists of the Global Majority who hadn’t previously worked together. I had been willing to lead the meeting as an ally, but a young Black woman agreed to do it, so I happily supported her.

I am counseling on “throwing my current life into the air and going all-in [focusing fully] on climate change.” I’m discharging well so far.

Paul Trudeau

Sacramento, California, USA

Reprinted from the RC e-mail
discussion list for leaders in
the care of the environment


Last modified: 2019-10-17 01:50:39+00