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Everywhere People Are Trying to Do This

In the wide world changing efforts outside of Co-Counseling, we will have to teach people who may never give a damn for counseling, who may never (openly at least) change their opinion that “You’re all sitting around like a bunch of stupid introspectors, picking lint out of each other’s navels—none of that!!”

They may never say any kinder words about RC than that, but they will use the tools if we will show them how they work. They don’t have to thank us for them, or bless us, or agree that that’s a fine tool. If they use it, it will do the job, and that’s what we’re after [what we’re trying for]—to get the fear off of each other. Everywhere people are trying to do this.

Harvey Jackins*

From pages 53 to 54 of “Unsolved Questions,”
in Logical Thinking about a Future Society

* Harvey Jackins was the founder and first International Reference Person of the Re-evaluation Counseling Communities.

Last modified: 2019-10-17 01:24:35+00