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Sunday, September 1

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Posting on Social Media about the Mosque Shootings

I hadn’t noticed much online dialogue about the mosque shootings in New Zealand—I think because of Islamophobia, the fear and confusion from years and years of incorrect information about and racism toward Muslim people.

When tragedies happen, I have been posting on Nextdoor (which has close to nine thousand people on it in my area of the United States) and community Facebook groups. For several days my post below was the “top post” on our local Nextdoor. People expressed their feelings, sent support, and shared information about gatherings at local mosques.

Sending Support to Our Muslim Sisters & Brothers

Hi All—When mass murders, awful tragedies like in New Zealand, happen, it is time for a community to come together and support each other, especially those who are most directly affected. We all know Islamophobia is very strong and that this shooting by a white man shows how deep, angry, and violent the hatred is in some.

Sending support to our Muslim sisters and brothers! We are here for you.

Ken Sazama

Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Reprinted from the e-mail discussion
list for RC Community members

Last modified: 2019-07-17 23:29:09+00