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Taking Leadership to End Nuclear Weapons

I raised my hand during the April Ending Classism Workshop in Kanagawa, Japan. I was taking action to end nuclear weapons by leading a topic table. I was not sure how many people would come, where we would have the group, or how we would use the time. But I had the thought, “It will be great if I can do this,” so I wanted to honor that thought and try it. I wanted to make that thought come true. I made up my mind [decided] and raised my hand.

One of the focal points of the workshop was supporting working-class leadership, so I felt I had the support and trust of the Co-Counselors there.

Looking back now on how the group went, I see myself as being able to lead flexibly, without being swallowed up by feelings of confusion and urgency. I was aware of how much I wanted and needed to communicate with people about ending nuclear weapons. It was a great joy to actually be able to transmit the message. I thought about how much I love and respect myself. I had a great sense of empowerment that I could do the things I really wanted to do.

This experience of taking a small step toward ending nuclear weapons and playing a leadership role gave me a sense of confidence. It will help me to doubt myself less. I feel very good about the experience.

Yuki Hashimoto

Hachinohe City, Aomori Prefecture, Japan

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Last modified: 2019-07-17 23:29:09+00