A Men’s Workshop in Ghana
A full-day Ghana Men’s Workshop gave us a chance to discuss and discharge on the issues we confront as men.
The following are some of my highlights:
I felt the uniqueness of this workshop. I was able to interact freely with other men and speak out on my issues.
As a man I always thought I didn’t need to share my problems or cry. The workshop made me understand that I can only be stronger if I do this.
We discussed men’s sexuality, family life, employment challenges, financial issues, oppression, stress, and anxiety as well as domestic violence. I could share about these challenges and find my own solutions.
Listening to other men built my confidence.
I want to use this workshop experience to reach out to my fellow men in my workplace and in my RC Area. So many men are experiencing challenges that they feel they have to endure because they are men. We need these workshops throughout the year—men in Ghana have lots of challenges and can be liberated through RC.
Legon-Accra, Ghana