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An Effective and Wonderful Conference

Sometimes old fears and issues—things we thought we were done with—resurface. This morning, listening to the radio about the difficult situation in the health system here in Israel, I found myself thinking, “This is bad,” and wondering, “How will I know when it is time to get out?” So mazal tov [congratulations] to me! The Jewish Leaders’ Conference [see previous article] was effective. Old fears have resurfaced to be discharged.

This past week we heard the horrifying news of the attack and murder in the Poway [California, USA] synagogue. Old fears can easily get compounded with new events. This demands of us deliberate differentiation. In Israel this week, we observe Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day). And next week, right before Independence Day, we will observe Yom HaZikaron, commemorating fallen Israeli soldiers and the victims of terrorism. Intense times.

The conference was a complex and wonderful achievement, whose results will keep unfolding with time. Renewed connections were my highlight. Generosity and genuineness were present in abundance.

Reaching for each other, leaping over huge gaps, sometimes paves the way for new heights in attaining our goals.

Sara Rani Kallai

Neveh Ilan, Israel

Reprinted from the RC e-mail
discussion list for leaders of Jews


Last modified: 2019-07-17 23:29:09+00