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Present Time
January 2025
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Half-Price Moving Sale

As many of you have heard, we are shifting our center, Re-evaluation Counseling Community Resources (RCCR), to a new site. Also, as part of preparing ourselves for the next couple of decades, we are moving Rational Island Publishers, including its warehouse, to the same site.

Over the years we have published a great deal of RC material—books, pamphlets, journals, and more—and have almost always gotten enough copies to not only meet the immediate demand but also cover the orders we expect in the subsequent few years. In this way we have avoided the costly process of printing a second much smaller batch.

Because of this system, we have a good number of copies of most of our publications. We’d like to not move all of them to the new facility—a labor-intensive and costly piece of work. So we want to assist you in purchasing now the RC literature you are likely to need in the next couple of years—for yourself, the people in your classes, and the people you will be introducing to RC.

To help you with this, between May 1 and October 31, 2019, we will be selling every book and pamphlet and back issue of Present Time in our warehouse, except The Human Side of Human Beings, at half its usual price.

(There will be no additional quantity discounts during this period, and we can’t apply this discount retroactively. The List has already been discounted, so no further discounts will apply to that. And the fifty percent discount will not apply to subscriptions—of Present Time, the Digital Present Time, or the RC Teacher Update CDs.)

The number of copies of the different publications in the warehouse varies greatly, and we won’t be reprinting materials to complete your order. Therefore, ordering soon after May 1 will greatly improve the chances that we have everything you want.

To order go to (Please order online if you can.)

Thank you,

Tim Jackins

Last modified: 2019-05-13 15:12:23+00