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Reflections on an Early Sexual Memories Workshop

Below are some reflections on an Early Sexual Memories Workshop, led by Tony Smith, in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia:

The process of becoming a white racist is similar to that of becoming a “man.” The “deal” [“agreement”] is to lose connection, not discharge, and agree with nasty nonsense about people. Discharge opens up some new choices. —

Stephen Costello

All we want is to be close and connected. So get close, hug, cry, laugh, yawn, and repeat. —

Gabbi Sar-Shalom

At the workshop I got to notice that “self-improvement” patterns are really self-critical patterns and that they’re not helpful to me (or probably anyone else). They were an early attempt to keep attacks at bay. I am safe now and can discharge the early hurts. —

Yehudit Koadlow

Working on early sexual memories is about connection. For the client, closeness and connection matter. Also, when I move in to support the discharge process, I need to be completely respectful of the client, who is going back to unspeakable, unbearable feelings—to a really hard place where she or he lost connection. The client needs to be in charge. —

Victoria Kemp

I was reminded at this workshop how important it is to use our physical selves in sessions. It seems we can forget to get in close, with gentle kindness. I have remembered now and don’t want to forget. —

Lisa  Rasmussen

I have been confused about my client’s feelings of “never getting over this.” I now understand more clearly that these feelings are straight out of the early distress recordings of how things happened. Being clearer about this means that I am able to provide better attention for my client and stay in there with each person more fully. 

Cynthia Johnston

Reprinted from the newsletter of the
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, RC Community


Last modified: 2019-05-13 15:12:23+00