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Draft Program for the
Transformation of Society
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Present Time
January 2025
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  Let’s Capture the Full Power of Our One-Point Program

Let’s capture the full power of the one-point program before adding another point.

I’ve long been passionate about care of the environment. However, I’m reluctant to add a second point to the one-point program—especially since we haven’t yet fully realized the power of the one-point program.

What if everybody in the RC Community was clear about and could live as if

  • our feelings of being overwhelmed by forces too big for us are old;
  • our feelings of disconnection are old;
  • our feelings of not being smart enough or strong enough or worthy enough are old; and
  • our feelings of defeat and hopelessness are old?

Over the years we RCers have focused largely on discharge. What if we applied deciding-acting-discharging (in that order) to our work on our old feelings? We could

  • decide to look at things that seem impossible to face—we would look, discharge, then decide again;
  • decide that we are connected regardless of how we feel—we would act on that reality, discharge, then decide again;
  • decide that we are capable of acting in situations that seem hopeless—we would act, discharge, then decide again.

The world needs the full power of RC theory and practice. Can we raise the bar? Can we all try to “decide and act” first and then discharge old feelings of defeat and separation—and act ever more powerfully?

Would this have more impact on climate change than adding a second point to our program?

Pamela Haines

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Reprinted from the RC e-mail discussion
list for leaders of wide world change


Last modified: 2019-05-13 15:12:23+00