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Draft Program for the
Transformation of Society
Introduction Page
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Present Time
January 2025
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Most of these journals are also available as downloadable PDFs, for $1.00 less than the price of the printed versions.

Older issues contain important information not found in newer ones. We encourage you to read all issues.




BLACK RE-EMERGENCE for people interested in Black liberation. (Send articles and letters to Sondra McCurry at Issue No. 1 available, $1.00 each; Issues No. 2 to 4 available, $2.00 each; Issues No. 5 to 11 available, $3.00 each; Issues No. 12 and 13 available, $4.00 each; Issue No. 14 available, $5.00 each.

THE CARING PARENT for people interested in parenting. (Send articles and letters to Tresa Elguera at Issues No. 1 and 2 available, $2.00 each; Issues No. 3 to 6 available, $3.00 each.

CATHOLIC JOURNAL for everyone interested in Catholic liberation. (Send articles and letters to Marian Fredal at In preparation.

CLASSROOM, a journal of the theory and practice of learning and educational change. (Send articles and letters to Kimkya Nailah at Issues No. 1 and 2 available, $1.00 each; Issues No. 3 to 5 available, $2.00 each; Issues No. 6 to 10 available, $3.00 each.

COLLEAGUE for communication among college and university faculty and other interested people. (Send articles and letters to Colleague at Issues No. 1 and 2 available, $1.00 each; Issue No. 3 available, $2.00 each; Issues No. 4 and 5 available, $3.00 each.

COMING HOME for communication among owning-class people and their allies. (Send articles and letters to Kate Stout at Issue No. 1 available, $3.00 each.

COMPLETE ELEGANCE for communication among people with disabilities and their allies. (Send articles and letters to Dan Simpson at Issues No. 1 to 3 available, $.10 each; Issues No. 4 and 5 available, $.50 each; Issues No. 6 to 9 available, $2.00 each.

CREATIVITY, a journal about all kinds of art and artists and Re-evaluation Counseling. (Send articles and letters to Bill Horne at Issue No. 1 available, $2.00 each; Issue No. 2 available, $3.00 each.

HERITAGE for exchange of information on RC in Native cultures. (Send articles and letters to Alison Ehara-Brown at Issue No. 2 available, $2.00 each; Issues No. 3 and 4 available, $3.00 each.

MEN for communication among men and their allies. (Send articles and letters to John Irwin at Issue No. 1 available, $2.00 each; Issue No. 2 available, $3.00 each; Issue No. 3 available, $2.00 each; Issue No. 4 available, $3.00 each.

OLDER AND BOLDER for communication among older people and their allies. (Send articles and letters to Sharon Veach at (Former titles: Growing Older and The Elders Speak.) Issues No. 1 and 2 available, $1.00 each; Issues No. 3 and 4 available, $2.00 each; Issue No. 5 available, $3.00 each; Issues No. 6 and 7 available, $4.00 each.

OUR ASIAN INHERITANCE for exchange of information on RC in the Asian and Asian-American cultures. (Send articles and letters to Our Asian Inheritance at Editor for Chinese heritage: Francie Chew at Editor for Japanese heritage: Dan Kwong at (Former title: Asian-American Re-evaluation.) Issue No. 1 available, $.10 each; Issues No. 2 and 3 available, $1.00 each; Issues No. 4 and 5 available, $2.00 each; Issues No. 6 and 7 available, $3.00 each.

OUR TRUE SELVES for communication among middle-class people and their allies. (Send articles and letters to Caroline New at Issues No. 1 and 2 available, $3.00 each.

PEACE for peace and disarmament activists. (Send articles and letters to Peace at Issue No. 1 available, $3.00 each.

PENSAMIENTOS for exchange of information and ideas among people of Chicano/a ancestry. (Send articles and letters to Micaela Morse at Issues No. 1 to 3 available, $1.00 each; Issue No. 4 available, $3.00 each; Issue No. 5 available, $4.00 each.

PRESENT TIME for everybody; all about Re-evaluation Counseling. (Send articles and letters to Lisa Kauffman at Issued quarterly, January, April, July, and October. $5.00 per copy. Yearly subscriptions, including digital subscriptions, are available—see page 112. 

It is possible to order all back issues of Present Time—more than 200 issues from October 1970 to the present—for only $125.

PRESENT TIME INDEX Vol. 1, 1977-1986, $3.00; INDEX TO PRESENT TIME Vol. 2, January 1977-July 1992 (inclusive), $6.00. (A complete index may also be found on the RC website at <>.)

RAISED-POOR JOURNAL for communication among raised-poor people and their allies. (Send articles and letters to Gary Hollander at In preparation.

THE RC TEACHER for people interested in the theory and practice of teaching Re-evaluation Counseling. (Send
articles and letters to Margo Hittleman at Issues No. 1 to 10 available, $1.00 each; Issues No. 11 to 24 (Index), 25 to 27 available, $2.00 each; Issues No. 28 and 29 available, $3.00 each; Issue No. 30 available, $4.00 each.

RECOVERY AND RE-EMERGENCE for “mental health” system survivors and others interested in “mental health” issues. (Send articles to Anne Piche at Issues No. 1 to 3 available, $2.00 each; Issues No. 4 to 6 available, $3.00 each; Issue No. 7 available, $4.00 each.

RUAH HADASHAH for everyone interested in Jewish liberation. (Send articles and letters to Amy Leos-Urbel at Issues No. 1 and 2 available, $1.00 each; Issues No. 3 and 4 available, $2.00 each; Issues No. 5 to 10 available, $3.00 each; Issue No. 11 available, $4.00 each.

SIDE BY SIDE for communication among people interested in Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender/Queer liberation. (Former title: Proud Allies.) (Send articles and letters to “J.S. Chardin” at Issue No. 1 available, $2.00 each; Issues No. 2 and 3 available, $3.00 each; Issue No. 4, Volume 1, available, $5.00 each.

SISTERS for communication among Co-Counselors who are interested in women’s liberation. (Send articles and letters to Barbara Harwood at Issues No. 1 to 3 available, $1.00 each; Issue No. 4 available, $2.00 each; Issues No. 5 to 12 available, $3.00 each.

SUSTAINING ALL LIFE for people interested in care of the environment. (Send articles and letters to Beth Cruise at Issues No. 1 and 2 available, $4.00 each; Issue No. 3 available, $5.00 each.

TRANSFORMING SOCIETY (previously WIDE WORLD CHANGING) for people interested in social change. (Send articles and letters to Transforming Society at Issues No. 1 to 3 available, $2.00 each.

WELL-BEING for exchange of information and ideas about health. (Send articles and letters to Anne Greenwald at Issue No. 1 available, $.10 each; Issues No. 2 and 3 available, $1.00 each; Issues No. 4 to 6 available, $3.00 each.

WORKING FOR A LIVING for everyone interested in working-class issues. (Send articles and letters to Working for a Living at Issues No. 1 and 2 available, $1.00 each; Issues No. 3 to 5 available, $2.00 each; Issues No. 6 to 8 available, $3.00 each.

YOUNG AND POWERFUL for young people and young adults and everyone interested in young people and young adults. (Former title: Upcoming.) (Send articles and letters from and about young people and young adults to Young and Powerful at Upcoming Issues No. 1 and 2 available, $1.00 each; Young and Powerful Issues No. 1 to 4 available, $2.00 each; Issues No. 5 to 7 available, $3.00 each.


20% off price for 10 to 19 copies, 40% off for 20 or more copies, of one (printed) issue

You can order at <>.


Present Time, beginning with the January 2005 issue, and the most recent issues of other journals are available to visually impaired persons, at no cost, in digital text versions.  

Last modified: 2023-08-05 02:10:35+00