Still More from Rational Island Publishers
Introduction to the 2017 Guidelines
In addition to the complete Guidelines for the Re-evaluation Counseling Communities, we have produced an Introduction to the 2017 Guidelines. It contains the Guidelines that we believe new Co-Counselors need to understand—those that speak to the basic functioning of the RC Communities—without many of the details and numbers.
$3.00, plus postage and handling
Introduction to the 2017 Guidelines
In addition to the complete Guidelines for the Re-evaluation Counseling Communities, we have produced an Introduction to the 2017 Guidelines. It contains the Guidelines that we believe new Co-Counselors need to understand—those that speak to the basic functioning of the RC Communities—without many of the details and numbers.
$3.00, plus postage and handling
Working Together to End Racism
A pamphlet introducing RC from the perspective of ending racism by Tim Jackins and others
$2.00, plus postage and handling
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