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Jewish Leaders Caring for the Environment

Cherie Brown (the International Liberation Reference Person for Jews) held a conference call this January with seventeen RC Jewish leaders who work on care of the environment. There was a wide range of ages. Several of us were Jews of the Global Majority. We were from all over the United States, and one person was from England. The goal was to form a strong gang of RC Jewish environmental activists who would work together with Cherie to move Jews forward in prioritizing care of the environment, inside and outside of RC.

Cherie counseled each of us on what we needed to discharge—in particular, our early Jewish distress—to be able to move this work forward. Because of the Holocaust and other genocides and being kicked out of [forced to leave] so many lands, it has not always been easy for Jews to prioritize the environment.

The contradiction [to distress] of connecting with each other has been huge. Before the call, most of us had no idea that so many other RC Jews were doing work on the environment. Building this gang was a next step. We will continue having quarterly conference calls.

Rachel Beck

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Reprinted from the RC e-mail discussion list for leaders in the care of the environment

(Present Time 191, April 2018)

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00