The 2017 Guidelines

The 2017 Guidelines for the Re-evaluation Counseling Communities will be available in print and on the RC website, at, in early February of this year.

The Guidelines guide our work and help us function well together. They are the collected best thinking of thousands of people.

The Guidelines were revised at the August 2017 World Conference of the RC Communities. Important new sections were added on draft liberation policy statements, assistant teaching, fundamentals classes, developing new Reference Persons, using pseudonyms, and more. Many other sections were revised: there are new requirements for RC teachers, clarifications about individual leadership, additions about fundraising, and so many other important updates. Finally, the whole document was edited to make it easier to read and more applicable to current situations in the RC Communities.

Print version $4.00, plus postage and handling

Ordering information at


(Present Time 190, January 2018)

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00