New From Rational Island Publishers

Anti-Semitism: Why Is It Everyone’s Concern? 

Cherie R. Brown and Amy Leos-Urbel


This pamphlet, written by Cherie R. Brown and Amy Leos-Urbel, clarifies why anti-Semitism is everyone’s concern, why it is difficult and confusing, and what can be done about it. It is written for both RC and non-RC readers.


  • Introduction
  • What Is Anti-Semitism?
  • Who Are the Jewish People and How Does Anti-Semitism Affect Them?
  • The Dynamics of Anti-Semitism
  • Where Does Israel Fit In?
  • Is It Anti-Semitism? A Few Helpful Guidelines with Examples
  • What Can We Do about Anti-Semitism?
  • A Call for Unity

As a unified movement, no longer vulnerable to the divide-and-conquer politics of anti-Semitism, we will be more effective at fighting for the liberation of all peoples. (from page 30)

We have made important improvements to this pamphlet and you should use only the revised version. Also, a downloadable PDF of the pamphlet is now available and can be ordered at <>.

$3.00, plus postage and handling

A new issue of

Recovery and Re-emergence

Recovery and Re-emergence No. 7 . . . documents the successful building of a movement for “mental health” liberation in Re-evaluation Counseling. (Anne Piche, Editor)

We learn

  • how “mental health” oppression is intertwined with the experiences of People of the Global Majority, Jews, Native people, women, and LGBQT people;
  • how Co-Counselors are getting off of psychiatric drugs;
  • how Liberation and Regional Reference Persons plan to move “mental health” liberation forward in their constituences;
  • and much more!

$4.00, plus postage and handling

Ordering information at

Last modified: 2023-08-05 02:10:35+00