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Impact of U.S. Election
Results on Climate
Action in the U.S.

Saturday, January 4
Sunday, January 5
Diane Shisk



(REQUIRED BY 39 U.S.C. 3685) 1. Title of publication: Present Time. 2. Publication number: 889-2490. 3. Date of filing: September 19, 2017. 4. Frequency of issue: Quarterly. 5. Number of issues published annually: 4. 6. Annual subscription price: $20/year. 7. Complete mailing address of known office of publication: 719 2nd Avenue North, Seattle, Washington 98109-4102, USA. Contact person: Barbara Boring. Telephone: 206-284-0311. 8. Complete mailing address of the headquarters of general business offices of the publishers: Same as above. 9. Full names and complete addresses of publisher, editor, and managing editor: Publisher: Rational Island Publishers, Inc., 719 2nd Avenue North, Seattle, Washington 98109-4102, USA; Editor: Lisa Kauffman, Rational Island Publishers, 719 2nd Avenue North, Seattle, Washington 98109-4102, USA; Managing Editor: Same. 10. Owner: Rational Island Publishers, Inc., 719 2nd Avenue North, Seattle, Washington 98109-4102, USA; Gordon Jackins, 719 2nd Avenue North, Seattle, Washington 98109-4102, USA. 11. Known bondholders, mortgagees, or other securities (if there are none, so state): None. 12. The purpose, function, and non-profit status of this organization and the exempt status for federal income tax purposes have not changed during the 12 preceding months. 13. Publication title: Present Time. 14. Issue date for circulation data below: October 2017. 15. Extent and nature of circulation (followed by actual number of copies of single issue published nearest to filing date): a. Total number of copies (net press run) 2,950 (2,900). b. Paid circulation: (1) Paid outside-county mail subscriptions: 1,465 (1,445). (2) Paid in-county mail subscriptions: 73 (73). (3) Sales through dealers and carriers, street vendors, counter sales, and other non-USPS paid distribution: 741 (665). (4) Other classes mailed through USPS: 80 (99). c. Total paid distribution [sum of 15b (1), (2), (3), and (4)]: 2,359 (2,282). d. Free distribution by mail: (1) Outside-county: 3 (3). (2) In-county: 2 (2). (3) Other classes mailed through the USPS: 2 (2). (4) Free distribution outside the mail: 0 (0). e. Total free distribution [sum of 15d (1), (2), (3), and (4)]: 7 (7). f. Total distribution (sum of 15c and 15e): 2,366 (2,289). g. Copies not distributed: 584 (611). h. Total (sum of 15f and g): 2,950 (2,900). i. Percent paid circulation (15c divided by 15f times 100): 100% (100%). 16. Electronic copy circulation (followed by actual number of copies of single issue published nearest to filing date): a. Paid electronic copies: 123 (225). b. Total paid print copies plus paid electronic copies 2,482 (2,507). c. Total print distribution plus paid electronic copies: 2,489 (2,514). d. Percent paid (both print and electronic copies): 99.7% (99.7%). I certify that 50% of all my distributed copies (electronic and print) are paid above a nominal price. Barbara Boring, Business Manager. 17. Publication of statement of ownership: Publication required. Will be printed in the October 2017 issue of this publication. 18. I certify that all information furnished on this form is true and complete. Barbara Boring, Business Manager. Date: September 19, 2017.

(Present Time 189, October 2017)

Last modified: 2019-05-02 14:41:35+00