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January 2025
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Leading in RC and in the Wide World

Re-evaluation Counseling leaders are encouraged to lead within the Re-evaluation Counseling Community [and] at the same time to lead in the wide world. “One foot inside and one foot outside Re-evaluation Counseling.” The importance of this is that each area of leadership illuminates and inspires the other . . . .

Leading within the Re-evaluation Counseling Community is an excellent way to learn to lead everywhere. The availability of correct theory and the safety and support of the counseling groups and the counseling processes make . . . the RC Community a good place to learn to lead. However, if one does not also lead in the wide world, one is distorting the function of Re-evaluation Counseling and is . . . acting out a distorted, “timid” version of Re-evaluation Counseling.

Harvey Jackins

From page 133 of The List

(Present Time 189, October 2017)

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00