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An E-mail List for Protestant Liberation

I am writing to let you know about a new RC e-mail discussion list for Protestant liberation.

This is an important time for those of us who are Protestant to share with each other what we’re figuring out about activism, discharging our chronic distresses, and more.

As society collapses, oppression based on religious heritage is on the rise. Also, religious fundamentalism is appealing to significant numbers of people worldwide, both because of oppression and because of heavy fears about the conditions of the collapsing society. When a widely accepted alternative pro-human ideology is lacking, religious belief often fills the void.

Almost everyone has feelings about religion—our own religious heritage(s), and probably everyone else’s too!

Protestants have a diverse range of experiences and backgrounds. Protestant churches and other institutions have played significant roles in people’s lives. Many have offered profound connection, hope, and movement toward liberation from oppression. At the same time, large numbers of people have experienced Protestant institutions as primarily oppressive and key to the installation of societal distress patterns. All of this needs to get worked on and thought about, so we can have real attention for the present situation and be able to play a good role with respect to the institutions.

You are welcome to join this e-mail list if you consider yourself some version of Protestant, you are either leading or would like to head toward leading Protestant work in RC, and you want to connect with other Protestants who are thinking about these things. This includes if you are a practicing Protestant or weren’t raised religious at all but have a cultural and religious heritage that is Protestant.

If you’d like to join the list, please send me an e-mail describing your leadership in RC and explaining your reason for wanting to join. You can find out more about the requirements for participation in RC electronic mailing lists at <>.

Barbara Boring

(Present Time 189, October 2017)

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00