News flash


Racism and
Climate Change

Janet Kabue &
Bafana Matsebula
Sunday, September 1

Fair Share in the
Global North
Janet Kabue &
Diane Shisk
Saturday, September 7
Sunday, September 8

FREE Stickers

Elected Officials Panel

Thoughts on Liberation
new RC eBook


Understanding and Healing the Effects of Internalized Racism: Strategies for Black Liberation

by Barbara Love

"This pamphlet focuses on the effects of internalized racism on the lives of African Heritage people in the United States, with applications to the people of Africa and the African diaspora." (from page 2)


  • Internalized Racism: Learning and Enacting the Ideas of White
  • Ideas of White Superiority in the United States—3
  • Re-evaluation Counseling Theory and Healing the Damage of
    Internalized Racism—5
  • The Damage of Internalized Racism—6
  • Sense of Identity—6Victim Identity—9
  • Self Image—12
  • Loss of Self Knowledge—12
  • Imitation of White People and Emulation of Whiteness—15
  • Wanting to Be Like White People/Wanting to Be White—16
  • Standards of Beauty—17
  • Beliefs about Our Intelligence—18
  • Black Culture—20
  • Violence and the Threat of Violence in Black Communities—22
  • Domestic Abuse and Violence in Family Relationships—23
  • Verbal Violence and Playing the Dozens—24
  • Behavior Patterns of Self Destruction—25
  • Drug Use and Abuse—25
  • Healing Internalized Racism—26
  • A Table with Two Legs—27
  • Re-evaluation Counseling and the Process of Healing—27
  • Guidelines for Counselors Working with African Heritage People—29
  • Chronic Hurts among African Heritage People—31
  • Healing Strategies for African Heritage People—33
  • Telling the Story of Your People—35
  • Focusing on Early Memories about Race—36
  • Discharging Early Hurts—37
  • Sharing the Theory and Tools of Re-evaluation Counseling with African Heritage People—37

Black Re-emergence No. 12

Join the Celebration!

The latest issue of Black Re-emergence (Black Re-emergence No. 12) celebrates thirty years of Black Liberation and Community Development (BLCD) Workshops. It shows well the progress in Black liberation resulting from BLCD and from other inspiring work done by Black Co-Counselors.

Thirty-three people share what BLCD has meant to them. Others share how they are taking leadership, overcoming internalized racism, and uniting to end racism. Several articles report on taking Black liberation to other constituencies, such as raised-poor people, large women, “mental health” system survivors, and middle-class people. Altogether, there is writing from fifty-seven people.

Don’t delay in ordering Black Re-emergence No. 12!

$4.00, plus postage and handling

Order from Rational Island Publishers

Working Together to End Racism

A pamphlet introducing RC from the perspective of ending racism

$2.00 (U.S.), plus postage and handling

Order from Rational Island Publishers

Last modified: 2023-08-05 02:10:35+00