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Allies to Immigrants:
It's My Liberation Too!
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Cheng Imm Tan

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Marilyn Robb


January 2025
Present Time
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Relaxed, Confident, Proud, Natural

Last week my son, Adam, did an introduction to RC for a few of his closest friends. He was relaxed and confident about RC theory, proud of the process, and very willing to share it. He was proud of being part of our amazing RC Community. The participants all had good sessions.

(Like many young people who have had access to RC early in life, Adam has a lot of attention. Everyone comes to him, and he feels obligated—as the recipient of a particular resource—to pay attention to them all. He has realized that if his longer-term friendships are going to be workable for him, he needs to have two-way listening relationships with people.)

Earlier that morning he did his PowerPoint presentation on climate change, young people, and animal conservation to a group of about thirty people connected to our church who have known him since he was little. He talked confidently about what we know in RC—about greed, closeness, feelings, listening to each other, the destructive forces in the world, and what we need to do to solve climate change. He spoke equally well when he was on the organizing committee for the student walk-out against Trump.

It is fun to watch someone who grew up with RC as a regular part of his life talk about the theory and own it in a natural way. RC theory is natural!

Jenny Sazama

(written with Adam’s approval)

Reprinted from the RC e-mail discussion list for leaders of parents

(Present Time 187, April 2017)

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00