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January 2025
Present Time
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“Good for Business”

Diane Balser [the International Liberation Reference Person for Women] has said that when the misogyny in the U.S. presidential campaign became even more open, it was “good for business”—the business of women’s liberation. I think the same applies generally. Although the election result will lead to bad, oppressive things in the short term, the game isn’t over.

Our “business” as an RC Community is supporting and providing intelligent leadership in a time of crisis and collapse to minimise the damage to humans and help build better societies. Recent events have made it clear to increasing numbers of people in the United States and the United Kingdom that we are in a time of crisis and collapse. This is “good for our business,” because these countries have been in the forefront of the pretence that the existing order is normal and good.

More and more people are resisting irrational environmental policies, war, and many forms of oppression. This is good. We don’t want “business as usual,” even though for many of us it has been much more comfortable.

Caroline New

Bristol, England

Reprinted from the e-mail discussion list for RC Community members

(Present Time 187, April 2017)

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00