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January 2025
Present Time
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We Are Going to Win

I was at the Washington, D.C., Women’s March with our No Limits for Women gang. I was so proud to be a part of RC and No Limits.

I had brought with me the office manager of my non-RC organization, who has had sixteen weeks of RC. (She is African heritage and Haitian and has done women’s liberation work in Haiti.) I got to see the No Limits project and what we model as RCers through her eyes. She was so taken by [impressed by] our putting no limits for women and the ending of sexism and girls at the forefront of what we communicate about RC. She had been excited about RC before the march, but after meeting RCers from all over the United States who are making a fierce commitment to ending sexism, she now wants to get everyone she knows into Co-Counseling.

I did a lot of sessions before the march but was struggling to find a contradiction to how, living in D.C., everywhere I turned, someone I loved was working in a federal agency that was about to get decimated. I was struggling to be hopeful.

And then I went to the march. I was moved and inspired by the sheer numbers and particularly by the parents who had brought young children, wanting them to be a part of a historic fight for women’s liberation. I came home feeling like something huge had been lifted from my heart. I told those around me, “After being at the march today, and being a part of RC, I know we are going to win. I don’t know how long it will take, but I know from what I saw today, we are going to win!”

Cherie Brown

Silver Spring, Maryland, USA

Reprinted from the RC e-mail discussion list for leaders of women

(Present Time 187, April 2017)

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00