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January 2025
Present Time
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Our Care-of-the-Environment Goal in First-Person Singular

I have adapted the RC care-of-the-environment goal to first-person singular—to make it my own and for discharge. I have also broken it into separate lines, which I find easier to use in sessions. The bold letters help me notice and emphasize my personal responsibility.


I will (or I commit to) work to become fully aware of the rapid and unceasing destruction of the living environment of the Earth.

I will discharge on any distress that inhibits my becoming fully aware of this situation.

I will take all necessary actions to restore and preserve our environment.

Distresses have driven me to use oppression against other people and to go along with destructive policies against all of the world.

A full solution will require me to end the divisions between people and therefore commit to ending all oppressions.

The restoration and preservation of the environment must take precedence over my having material advantage over others.

I can (and I will) recover from any distress that drives me to destroy the environment in my attempt to escape from never-ending feelings of needing more resource.

I invite you to try using it in sessions.

A. Laurel Green

Rockingham, Vermont, USA

Reprinted from the RC e-mail discussion listfor leaders in the care of the environment

(Present Time 187, April 2017)

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00