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January 2025
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Useful Environmental Materials

Dear Diane,1 

I want to let you know how helpful the environmental materials you put together2 have been. When I semi-retired in April, one of my goals was to participate in environmental activism locally. I didn’t know much at all, especially about the technical terms. I have been studying your materials (the PowerPoint, classes, Sustaining All Life booklet, and so on), and they have been hugely helpful to me, both in teaching RC and in my new wide-world work.

I have been attending meetings about environmental justice with a small group of people at my church. The church is a Protestant congregation, about fifty percent People of the Global Majority and fifty percent white people. A woman of the global majority leads the environmental justice group.

A few weeks ago I attended a training for local activists on the Clean Power Plan and how we can affect it in Delaware, USA. The state is holding hearings in late August, and a number of us plan to make sure that the needs of frontline communities are addressed. I still have lots to learn, but your materials have been helpful in bringing me up to speed.

I have also gotten involved with a program that teaches young people, primarily of the global majority, about the environment and environmental justice and empowers them to learn more about both science and activism. I’ve been able to support the woman of the global majority who is leading it.

Thanks again for your well-written, informative, straightforward materials. I have been relying on them as I take action in this new area for me.

Linda Whitehead

Wilmington, Delaware, USA

(Present Time 185, October 2016)

1 Diane Shisk, the Alternate International Reference Person for the Re-evaluation Counseling Communities

2 You can find these materials on the RC website at <>.

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00