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January 2025
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RC Environmental Goal Posters

2017 Environmental Goal Poster

The poster above has on it the 2017 RC goal for care of
the environment.

Size: 11 inches by 17 inches (28 centimeters by 43.25 centimeters)

$3.00, plus postage and handling

(20% off price for 10 to19 posters; 40% off for 20 or more)


2017 Environmental Goal Posters (ON SALE!)

Rational Island Publishers has produced several lovely 20-inch by 27-inch color posters. The first one below comes in two versions: the first with our RC goal on the environment* on it and the other with the goal rewritten to communicate its essence without using RC vocabulary. Both are in English.

The next poster is in RC language and comes in both a Spanish and an English version. 

The third poster has our goal in non-RC language and is available only in English. 

Having these posters in our daily lives is a way to remember our commitment to changing our economic system and our relationship to the environment.

All these posters are $2.00 each, plus postage and handling. (Not eligible for quantity discounts.) They may be ordered from Rational Island Publishers

* A goal adopted by the 2013 World Conference of the Re-evaluation Counseling Communities. 

Scroll down to view posters!

COE goal poster (activist)

Width x height: 26.5 x 20 inches, 68.5 x 51 cm

(order poster)

COE wide world language goal poster (activist)

Width x height: 20 x 26.5 inches, 51 x 68.5 cm

(order poster)

COE goal poster (English)

Width x height: 20 x 26.5 inches, 510 x 680 mm

(order poster)

COE Goal Poster (Spanish)

Width x height: 20 x 26.5 inches, 510 x 680 mm

(order poster)


COE wide world language goal poster (elephant)

Width x height: 20 x 26.5 inches, 510 x 680 mm

(order poster)


¡Los afiches sobre las metas para el medio ambiente!

Se han publicado por Editorial Rational Island (Rational Island Publishers) dos afiches bonitos (que son producidos en color) en los cuales se incluye el texto de la meta RC sobre el medio ambiente.* La medida es 20 x 27 pulgadas (53 x 69 cm). Me gustaría si todos tuviéramos estos afiches en la vida diaria para recordarnos de nuestro compromiso de transformar el sistema económico en lo cual vivimos, y nuestra relación al medio ambiente. El afiche abajo está disponible también en español.

Por favor piensen en comprar uno (o más) para ti misma. El precio es $2.00, más gastos de franqueo y tramitación. (Los descuentos no son aplicables en gran consumo para los afiches.) Para ordenar: Rational Island Publishers.

Tim Jackins
Anuncio traducido por Maria Franco

* Una meta adoptada por la conferencia mundial de 2013 de las comunidades RC (Re-evaluación - Coescucha)

Last modified: 2023-08-05 02:10:35+00