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Appreciating the RC Teacher Update CDs

The following are some appreciations for the RC Teacher Updates—CDs of talks given by Tim Jackins at recent RC workshops. To see a list of all the CDs produced so far and how to order them, go to pages 104 to 105 of this Present Time. They can be ordered by any Co-Counselor, individually or as a subscription.

Recently I have been listening to Tim’s CD from winter 2011, Standing Against the Effects of Distress. It starts with “You Are Marvelous,” continues with “Decide You Are Loved,” and ends with “Stop Agreeing with Being Hurt.” This has helped me a lot. I think it will also be useful regarding inclusion.

Brita Helleborg
Porsgrunn, Telemark, Norway

This week I received the RC Teacher Updates Close Relationships and RC and Affection. I always enjoy getting the CDs, since I am one of thosepeople who multitasks all the time. I get to drive and take in a lot ofimportant information at the same time. Very efficient!

This time they drew me in as though I were actually present at the talks. The laughter was contagious, and the information was crystal clear and has stayed with me. I am determined to find the time to listen to them again—while I am doing nothing else!

My thanks and appreciation to Tim and to all who work so hard to make sure that everyone in the International Communities has the opportunity to get this information and join in the discharge, even when it’s impossible to be at one of these workshops.

Margie Doyle Papadopoulou
Kantza, Greece

Tim’s 2009 CD An Effective Way to Work Early brings heavy discharge every time I listen to it.

Joy Kroeger-Mappes
Frostburg, Maryland, USA

Thank you for the excellent 2013 CD Building RC. The part that has caught my attention is near the beginning, when you mention our discipline of working on early distress.  Then you wonder what it would be like if we didn’t have some of our early material.  What would happen if we weren’t as concerned about our own existence?  How many people would we be able to reach for? How well could we think about our relationships with them? How long could we keep them in close contact with RC, so they could internalize it well and decide to stay?  (Those were not your exact words.) 

I’m building a pioneer Area, and it is growing. I’m starting to have more belief in my vision. It’s less of a wistful longing to build an Area and more of a plan in progress. As I have successes, I sometimes discharge on “What if I can’t do it?” In the recent CD you reminded me to assume that I most certainly can. I can carry a glimmer of being able to function and thrive without some of the old material. I can proceed with more confidence.

SaraLynne Thoresen
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

I have been listening again to the CDs of Tim’s talks and was recently struck by a comment Tim made that went something like, “The main form of oppression now is in our heads.”

Anne Barton
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Hi Tim,

I mistakenly forgot to pay for the quarterly CDs from 2008 to now, so when I was in Seattle (Washington, USA), I purchased a few years’ worth. Wow! I just want to take a moment to thank you for everything. I drove to Gary, Indiana (USA), today, and on the road I listened to five CDs. So hopeful. I’m so encouraged and charged just by listening. I especially liked the ones on early defeats and family work. Thank you for your connection to all of us, your dedication, and your commitment.

Marian Fredal
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

I’ve started counseling again with someone I had a good Co-Counseling relationship with in the past. I’m reconnecting with Co-Counselors and allies from “the old days” in RC. I’m relearning RC from the literature and Tim’s CDs!

Harv Millman
Evanston, Illinois, USA

I have to tell you, those CDs are incredible! I’ve listened to all of them—multiple times. They are so good to have in order to focus on reality. I can’t get enough of this RC theory! Thank you!

Sarah Tooley

Rochester, New York, USA

(Present Time 184, July 2016)

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00