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On June 12, 2016, a man shot and killed forty-nine people and injured more than fifty others inside a Gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, USA, and was subsequently shot and killed by the police. The following six articles, taken from two of the RC e-mail discussion lists, are responses to the shooting.

Reach for Each Other, and Discharge

Dear ones:

We are deeply saddened by the recent tragedy in Orlando, Florida, USA, in which forty-nine people were killed and many more were injured. When horrific things like this happen, for a little while we can feel the oppression, we can notice it is still there, real and vicious.

We have been encouraging RCers to hold gather-ins, conference calls, and support groups and to make extra efforts to discharge on this event.

It is important to remember that even though this attack targeted the GLBTQ community, it is an attack on all of us. If we do not discharge, it affects all of us. It diminishes us, undermines us, and makes us numb.

In some parts of the world, enough legislative progress has been made against the oppression of GLBTQ folks that people forget that we still have a long way to go to get the cultural, behavioral, and attitudinal changes that will assure the safety and security of GLBTQ folks, who are part of our human family.

In RC we have the tools to make these kinds of changes. We understand something about the hurts that underlie oppression of all kinds. But we can only use these tools to the extent that we are willing to do the work of discharging whatever this attack may bring up for us.

This is not a time (nor is there ever a time) to get lost in old discouragements. This is a time to reach for each other and other loved ones, inside and outside of the GLBTQ community. We can be a thoughtful resource that helps the healing happen and supports people to continue taking steps to undo the oppression of GLBTQ people and of everyone.

Please do not avoid looking at this because it did not happen to you or to someone you knew. There is a lot to notice right now, and we want our minds able to take in what is happening and figure out the best ways to respond.

Please notice how much people are pulling together all over the world, speaking out against all forms of oppression, and working hard to not let this tragedy go down the road of finger-pointing and scapegoating.

Our love, appreciation, and encouragement go out to all of you. 

Jeanne d'Arc and “David Nijinsky”

International Liberation Reference Person for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,Queer, and Transgender People

Assistant International Liberation Reference Person for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Queer, and Transgender People

Reprinted from the e-mail discussion list for RC Community members

(Present Time 184, July 2016)

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00