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Allies to Immigrants:
It's My Liberation Too!
Sunday, February 16
Cheng Imm Tan

The Joy of Reading
Saturday, February 22
Marilyn Robb


January 2025
Present Time
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Appreciating Present Time 

Dear Tim and Diane,*

Yesterday the October PRESENT TIME arrived in my mailbox. I immediately started reading and loved the first article on moving forward while challenging ourselves and facing reality. I also loved reading about facing fear.

Thank you both so much for thinking this big and helping us all with clear directions and solid theory. I am so glad to be in RC with both of you as my and our leaders.

Wytske Visser
Fryslân, the Netherlands

*Tim Jackins and Diane Shisk


 PRESENT TIME is super, as usual. I could not be more impressed by the thinking and by the projects, actions, and programs designed and executed.

Pam Maccabee
Glastonbury, Connecticut, USA


Thanks for PRESENT TIME, which I so enjoy reading.

Ellie Hidalgo
Los Angeles, California, USA


Thanks for the July 2015 PRESENT TIME. I just loved the way quotes from Harvey Jackins’ writings were interspersed throughout and related to the themes of the other articles. They each gave me an opportunity to think freshly.

Vicky Grosser
Geelong, Victoria, Australia


The last issue, July 2015, was just superb! I often use information in the articles for the ongoing class that I teach, and it was extra relevant and important for my Community this time.

Joan MacKenzie
Asheville, North Carolina, USA


Thanks for all the work that many people do to deliver—on schedule—a quarterly compilation of high-quality insights and information!

Dale Evarts
Durham, North Carolina, USA


I love reading PRESENT TIME.

Betsy Ames
Wendell, Massachusetts, USA

Last modified: 2019-05-02 14:41:35+00