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January 2025
Present Time
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For Men, Too

I just attended a report-back on the No Limits for Women project done at Beijing+20 in New York (USA) a few months ago.1 

I walked away feeling “de-isolated” in my concern to end sexism and male domination as a man. In my day-to-day life, it is hard to find allies in this among other men. It was good to feel that I have a team.

Women are not helpless victims of sexism. Men carry the oppressor material2 but are good nonetheless. And it’s cool3 when we can work together and help each other in the battles to end this oppression. 

I left feeling reinvigorated about the struggle, and with some people in mind I could reach out to, to keep the momentum going.

Ending sexism and male domination is for men, too. 

Benjamin Altman

Flushing, New York, USA

(Present Time 182, January 2016)

1 In March 2015, No Limits for Women (a project of the Re-evaluation Counseling Communities) sent a delegation of Co-Counselors to the non-governmental-organization Women’s Forum held in conjunction with the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women Beijing+20, in New York, New York, USA.
2 “Material” means distress.
3 “Cool” means good, satisfying.

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00