News flash


Racism and
Climate Change

Janet Kabue &
Bafana Matsebula
Sunday, September 1

Fair Share in the
Global North
Janet Kabue &
Diane Shisk
Saturday, September 7
Sunday, September 8

FREE Stickers

Elected Officials Panel

Thoughts on Liberation
new RC eBook


No Unimportant Oppression

I think it is necessary for us to communicate, and reiterate over and over, that there is no unimportant oppression, that everyone needs every ally they can get, that we must be glad to throw our support behind every group, no matter how small or unpopular, if they are actually seeking liberation, and that we’ll be glad to include their proposals and demands in the general program.

Harvey Jackins

From page 154 of The Kind, Friendly Universe

(Present Time 182, January 2016)

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00