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January 2025
Present Time
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The List

The List is an extraordinary book of Re-evaluation Counseling theory and practice, by Harvey Jackins. He wrote it later in his life, in consultation with many people. It is a collection of all of the insights he had about RC over the decades of discovering, developing, using, and communicating the RC on which many of us base our lives.

The List has been available since 1997. It is used by a large number of us who have been in RC long enough to have known Harvey. However, it has not been publicized in recent years, and many people who have come into RC since Harvey’s death have not had the chance to become familiar with it.

The book is organized in an accessible manner and is an excellent reference. I think that anyone who has gained the basics of RC theory would benefit from having it available and reading a randomly selected paragraph from it now and then. Also, there will be a downloadable index for it on the RC website, making it easier to locate particular topics.

The List is available only in hardcover (as a true reference text). To encourage wider distribution of and access to it, for 2016 we are lowering the price from $50 to $30 (plus postage and handling). For ordering information, see page 110.

Tim Jackins

(Present Time 182, January 2016)

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00