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January 2025
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We Need Them and They Need Us

I recently attended the first-ever Area Reference Persons of the Global Majority Workshop.1 I was pleased by the diversity not only of backgrounds but also of experience—some of us being very experienced and others new to the role.

One thing I came away with was a renewed appreciation for the role of allies. Our leader, Alysia Tate,2 talked about her Co-Counselor Jim Oleson and how he backed3 her as her closest ally. No matter how hard things got for Alysia as a leader of African-heritage Co-Counselors, he never gave up in offering counseling and support and never believed her discouragement. There seemed to be no limits when it came to Jim backing her leadership. I was reminded of the role that allies have played in my leadership and how much our commitment to each other’s re-emergence has meant to me. In summary, we need them and they need us as well.

Bob Gomez
Area Reference Person for Northeast Berkeley, California, USA,
Berkeley, California, USA
Reprinted from the e-mail discussion list for RC Community members

1 A workshop held in Chicago, Illinois, USA, in March of this year
2 Alysia Tate is the Regional Reference Person for Illinois, USA.
3 “Backed” means supported.

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00