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To Act Logically

To act logically requires assuming full responsibility; seizing and keeping the initiative at all times; playing an active, leading role; and accepting that the rewards of a rational effort are usually proportional to the difficulty of that effort.

All human beings need to follow their own logic in all their actions all the time. Feelings will be felt, but need not ever be used as guides to action. If our “feelings” happen to concur with our logic, fine. If they happen to oppose it and we act on our logic, then we will certainly feel our feelings but we will just as certainly discharge them and be free of them, without letting them guide us in the process.

Harvey Jackins*
from pages 81 to 84
of The Human Situation

*Harvey Jackins was the founder and first International Reference Person of the Re-evaluation Counseling Communities

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00