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January 2025
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A Great Day in Ivory Coast

On Sunday, July 6, members of the Ivory Coast RC Community held their first workshop of the year. They wanted to have a whole day of discharge.

I knew that, like every human activity, it wasn’t going to be easy, but everything is possible for those who dare. In fact, we survived torrential rains right up to the day before the workshop when it rained for more than fifteen hours. Entire streets were cut off. Houses were flooded. However, the participants were indeed there the next morning.

We expected twenty people, and nineteen came. I think that was because as a leader I had a personal connection with each one of them. Phone calls, and frequent visits for sessions, had made possible the deep bonds between them and me. A couple of days before the workshop, I had visited each person and had a short session with him or her.

The workshop started at 9:00 a.m. After introductions and a brief review of RC fundamentals and the Guidelines,* people discharged on various themes, such as key events of their childhood, difficulties related to the social-political crisis since 2002, parent-child relationships, and commitment to Co-Counseling.

A women’s group and a men’s group met. The men talked about work, while the women talked about education. The participants were so thrilled that after lunch they asked that the workshop start up again right away.

Pieces of RC literature, like How to Begin Co-Counseling, were distributed to the participants. Around 4:00 p.m., the workshop ended with appreciations. All in all, it was a great day!

Cyrille Zounon
Abidjan, Ivory Coast


Impressions from Some of the Participants

I felt at ease. I was a little tense at the beginning, because I was wondering how this was going to go. In the end, I discovered other people and discharged hugely. I wish we could have this kind of meeting more often!

RC Community member


Cyrille had given me some literature to read. But I admit that it was only today that I really discovered Co-Counseling. My wish is that Co-Counseling spread fast here.

Participant new to RC


I had some apprehensions as a religious leader. I was supposed to be at another big event somewhere else. I stayed at the workshop, and I have no regrets. I feel liberated. Co-Counseling is a family.

RC Community member


What to say, other than that I just discovered a new family. I have never seen anything like it. I am ready to follow your classes. Please let me know when. Thank you so much!

Participant new to RC 

Article translated by
Ellie Putnam and Régis Courtin

*The Guidelines for the Re-evaluation Counseling Communities—the policies for the RC Communities

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00