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January 2025
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Commitment and Enthusiasm in Togo

In February 2014 I led a workshop in Togo. On the first day we had a women’s group in which we discussed the oppression of women, particularly women on the African continent. We talked about the variety of oppressive institutions—from the upbringing of a girl child, initiation rituals, and the distribution of tasks between the girl child and her brothers to marriage ceremonies and married life. The participants had sessions in which they discharged their own distresses that had come from those institutions and discussed how to move forward.

Then we had a men’s group in which the men explored the impact of men’s oppression on their lives. Through demonstrations, sessions, and questions and answers, I communicated how oppression works and the importance of being aware, constantly working on it, and spreading information about it to many others.

The last group of the day was the youth group. I spoke to them about the way society targets the youth, why they are so vulnerable, and the different methods used to oppress the youth in the name of developing them. On the one hand,1 it is instilled in their minds that they are the future leaders, and they are given opportunities, but on the other hand2 they are sold drugs, alcohol, sex, and addiction to pornography. In sessions the youth were able to examine how they are targeted and strategies they could use to work on the oppression.

Days two and three of the workshop began with basic information about RC theory and practice. Then we explored the many ways that human beings oppress each other and the impact it has on our lives and future generations. We looked at the history of the colonization of Africa and some of the institutions left in place by the colonizer—institutions in which the oppressed have continued to oppress one another.

I was impressed by the participants’ level of knowledge. I was also impressed by the commitment, keenness, and enthusiasm of the leadership team. I felt re-fueled by their energy. They have a coordinating office where trainings take place and people can borrow RC literature. They have led a lot, are quite informed, and have great plans to move forward and expand.  

Wanjiku Kironyo
Regional Reference Person for Northern Africa
Nairobi, Kenya


1 “On the one hand” means one thing that happens is.
2 “On the other hand” means another thing that happens is.

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00