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A Key Process

The process that we call Re-evaluation Counseling plays a crucial role in future progress. It isn’t the only important upward process in the universe, obviously. There are thousands of equally basic, equally important upward processes that have to go on.* Re-evaluation Counseling will play a crucial role, however, simply because it is the untangling process, the until-now-suppressed and hidden healing process, for the problem of human irrationality.

Irrationality has, until now, plagued all humans. Human intelligence, from the time of its emergence, has been burdened and buried beneath the weight of distress patterns, inevitably resulting from the conditions of life in an unmastered world. Once begun, such distress patterns were transmitted inevitably from generation to generation, by restimulated rehearsal and then, once social structures were involved, by systematic procedures.

The process of Re-evaluation Counseling plays this key role of releasing all other human potentials.

Harvey Jackins
From pages 8 to 9 of “The State of the Cosmos,” in The Upward Trend

* “Go on” means happen.

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00