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Relationships with
Health Care Workers
Saturday, February 1
Sunday, February 2
Anne Greenwald


Important RC Resources!

Short Talks by Tim Jackins, on CD

  Rational Island Publishers has been producing a series of CDs of talks given by Tim Jackins at recent RC workshops. They are intended primarily for RC teachers but can be ordered by anyone. A new CD is produced each quarter. The series is called RC Teacher Updates.

  For a complete list of all the CDs produced up until now, see pt174_105_tu.

  Anyone can order any of the CDs for $10 (U.S.) each, plus postage and handling.

  The entire 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011,  2012, and 2013 four-CD sets are also available to anyone, for $25 per set, while supplies last.

  If you are a certified RC teacher, the upcoming four CDs per year are available on a subscription basis, and mailed out quarterly, for $25 a year. You can order up to three years at a time.

  Web special: The 12-CD set for 2006, 2007, and 2008, and the 12-CD set for 2009, 2010, and 2011, are each available for $40 per set—if you order them on the Rational Island Publishers website <>. 


The Liberation of the Middle Class

(CD #1002)  

A CD of a talk by Seán Ruth, the International Liberation Reference Person for Middle-Class People

  Seán Ruth, the International Liberation Reference Person for Middle-Class People, presents clear, candid information about middle-class oppression and liberation. He emphasizes that the middle class has been systematically separated from the working class, not through fault of its own but because of a damaging oppression. With kindness and humor, he maps out a perspective on middle-class people that offers hope for directly challenging the effects of the oppression and moving toward the necessary transformation of society.

  This is a useful talk for anyone, of any class background, interested in understanding the ways that classism divides us from each other.

$10.00 (U.S.), plus postage and handling




New DVD: Moving Toward Liberation

Twenty-nine (!) International Liberation Reference Persons and Commonality Reference Persons report on their work. 

$15.00 (U.S.), plus postage and handling

Order on the Rational Island Publishers website <>. 

Last modified: 2023-04-15 09:24:12+00