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I Can Proceed with More Confidence

Dear Tim,1

I’ve listened a couple of times to your RC Teacher Update CD on growth.2 The part that is catching my attention this morning is near the beginning, when you mention our discipline of working early.3 Then you wonder what it would be like if we didn’t have some of our early material.4 What would happen if we weren’t so concerned about our own existence? How many people would we be able to reach for? How well could we think about our relationships with them, and keep them in close contact with RC long enough to internalize it and decide to stay? (Those were not your exact words.)

I’ve been working on my early material for some years, following the leadership of you and others, and will continue. I’m developing a pioneer Area5 that is growing. I’m starting to put more stock in6 my vision. I have less of a wistful longing to build an Area and more of a plan in progress. But as I have successes, I sometimes still have sessions on “What if I can’t do it?”

In the recent CD you reminded me to assume that I most certainly can. I can carry a glimmer of being able to function and thrive without some of that old material. I can proceed with more confidence.

SaraLynne Thoreson
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Reprinted from the e-mail 
discussion list for RC teachers

1 Tim Jackins
2 Rational Island Publishers is producing a series of CDs, called RC Teacher Updates, of talks given by Tim Jackins at recent RC workshops (you can order this CD at Rational Island Publishers). The author of this article is referring to RCTU 36, Building RC.
3 “Working early” means discharging on early hurts.
4 “Material” means distress.
5 An Area is a local RC Community.
6 “Put more stock in” means take more seriously.

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00