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Changed by the Gulu Workshop

The one-week RC workshop in Gulu, Uganda, has strengthened and broadened my mind more than I thought it would. I have realized that I can handle distressing issues within me and in the people around me. I have learnt how the human mind can be freed from distress. It is only possible through discharge. We feel ease after we’ve discharged. It rejuvenates our positive thinking to tell what hurts us to a counselor.

I’ve experienced RC as “repairing someone’s life.” Sometimes clients have undergone painful distress, which remains as a scar in their mind. As a counselor, we should allow clients to discharge, because that’s the only way they can remove the pain of the distress recording.

I am not like before; I am somewhere new. I am changed and can’t easily be thrown down by the war in the mind that comes from distress. The workshop made me self-confident and strong-hearted. Thanks to the RC team that came to Gulu: Chuck Esser, Pamela Haines, and Jacek Strzemieczny.*

Odong Douglas
Gulu, Uganda

* Chuck Esser is the Regional Reference Person for New Jersey, USA, and is the International Commonality Reference Person for Family Work. Pamela Haines is the Area Reference Person for a part of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, and is the editor of the RC journal for people interested in parenting. Jacek Strzemieczny is the Regional Reference Person for Poland.

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00