News flash


Impact of U.S. Election
Results on Climate
Action in the U.S.

Saturday, January 4
Sunday, January 5
Diane Shisk


The rustling leaves on a cool summer night
Remind me of you
The fog horn in the distance, protecting all sailors
Reminds me of you
Your sweet appreciation for all things of beauty, intelligence, and practicality
Fills me
I notice my blessing in being alive
Even in your death
Nothing that you gave me is forgotten

You are cherished more than ever

How can I honor you
O beloved warrior for life
You answer me with a twinkle in your eye
For you know that I know
That to be myself is the gift you have always sought
This is clearer now than ever
It is a thrilling and chilling
Awesome project

If I let myself notice
I come from the center of the earth
Deep, dark, strong, and mysterious
I come from the farthest stars
Bright, warm, and illuminating
I walk on this earth boldly and proud
Yet humble
Loving and cherishing all life

I draw great strength from you
From the center of the earth and from the stars
As I move myself and others
We shall overcome
Oppression shall not reign
Great sobs and shudders of a united humanity
Will free our goodness
Caring intelligence
Extended at each moment
Is both the journey and the victory
Thank you, dear Harvey
I am with you forever

Jan Froehlich
Falmouth, Maine, USA

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00