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January 2025
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Reminded to Be Rational

I want to share what I gained from the Gay/bisexual men's workshop in New York, USA last January.

I'm a Southerner, raised Roman Catholic. I currently claim Gay identity and Cajun heritage.

In June 1997, two men from our little RC Community left, and I remained as the only Gay/bisexual male. I felt alone. Then in August I started to work as an AIDS buddy to an old acquaintance (who is also Catholic). I began going back to old patterns - flirtation, seduction, masturbation, eating chocolate, clearly actions not based on rational thought but stemming from my feelings of being alone. Moreover, Catholicism kept me even more isolated and prevented me from getting close to my AIDS buddy. Catholicism's own brand of oppression leads to shame and guilt and dictates that one not investigate patterns or express feelings, i.e., discharge.

At the Gay/bisexual men's workshop, all this became clear to me. I saw how my Co-Counselors' departure had restimulated me and led me to take up old patterns, and how Catholicism had figured into all of this.

Now I am hopeful. I want to start a Gay/bisexual support group in our Community as a way for Gay/bisexual men to get lovingly close to one another.

I've learned much about what I truly want in my life. RC is a great tool to help me realize my goals. I began RC back in the summer of 1997, a bit out of desperation. Today my motivation is more one of expectation.

"Quique Andêl Langevin," USA

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00