I Love My Students
When I first applied to teach RC, I remember thinking that the requirement to teach at least every six months was extreme. After my seventh session of a sixteen-week course, all I can say is: I can't wait to teach my next class! I'm also planning a People of Color and Allies Gather-In.
Best of all, one of my students is anxious to teach and (I'm proud to say) just attended a Regional workshop. I've also talked to three other students about assisting in the near future.
My underlying thrust is to maintain the mindset of "loving my students," as a father forgives his children and always welcomes and accepts them.
I'm amazed at all the help that has become available to me since I began teaching. As Gandhi said, "People come out of the woodwork" when your cause is just and worthwhile.
Alvin Aki
Orlando, Florida, USA
(Present Time No. 110, January 1998)