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January 2025
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I Love My Students

When I first applied to teach RC, I remember thinking that the requirement to teach at least every six months was extreme. After my seventh session of a sixteen-week course, all I can say is: I can't wait to teach my next class! I'm also planning a People of Color and Allies Gather-In.

Best of all, one of my students is anxious to teach and (I'm proud to say) just attended a Regional workshop. I've also talked to three other students about assisting in the near future.

My underlying thrust is to maintain the mindset of "loving my students," as a father forgives his children and always welcomes and accepts them.

I'm amazed at all the help that has become available to me since I began teaching. As Gandhi said, "People come out of the woodwork" when your cause is just and worthwhile.

Alvin Aki
Orlando, Florida, USA

(Present Time No. 110, January 1998)

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00