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Keeping Track of New Students

A register has been started in Canberra for people who want to take a fundamentals class. The idea of the register is to:

1) Create a single register of all people who want to take a fundamentals class;

2) Obtain information about each person to help teachers better plan their classes;

3) Make it easier for teachers to find out who wants to take classes and when would be the best time to offer them; and

4) Allow us to keep in touch with people who have expressed interest in a class and keep them informed about when classes might be available.

The Registration Form

A registration form has been designed to obtain information that will assist a teacher in planning his or her fundamentals class. It simply asks questions about who the potential student is, how he or she found out about RC, if she or he has had sessions before, what sort of class he or she would like to be in, and how he or she might get to a class.

How the register will work

If you know someone who is interested in taking part in a fundamentals class, you can either:

1) Tell him or her to call Andrew Smailes, and he will ask him/her the questions and complete the form, or

2) Have him or her complete the form and then send it to Andrew.

Copies of the registration form will be sent out periodically with newsletters or will be available at Community events.

When a teacher wants to run a class, he or she should get in touch with Andrew and find out if there is anyone on the register waiting to take a class. If so, the teacher can look at the people on the register and select those that he or she would like to include in the class.

When someone completes a class (or decides not to take one) then his or her details can be removed from the register.

reprinted from the newsletter of the Canberra,
Australian Capital Territory, Austrialia RC Community

(Present Time No. 110, January 1998)

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00