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January 2025
Present Time
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From the Editor
Present Time No. 104 (Vol. 28 No. 3)

The World Conference of the Re-evaluation Counseling Communities was held last November. This issue of Present Time begins with an overview of that historic conference, the transcript of two talks given by Harvey, someideas for implementing the goal of "going public" with RC, and the changes to the Guidelines of the RC Communities adopted by the Conference. Following this are several reports from the Latin American and African Pre-World Conference Conferences.

Other excellent articles in this issue are "A History of Exclusion" by Micheline Mason; "Who Will Bring the Straws?" - some new insights on disability oppression and accessibility by Laurie Summers; "A General Policy for Interrupting Distresses that Are Also the Target of Oppression" by Allan Hansen; "Determinedly Going Public," by Frank van den Heuvel; and "I Shaped My Life," and account of her life by June Birdratler Humphrey, a Native American woman. This is only a sample. There are inspiring stories and new thinking throughout.

The deadline for articles for the April Present Time is March 3rd. Please send in workshop announcementsw and changes to the listings in the back of Present Time by March 10th.

Lisa Kauffman
719 Second Avenue North
Seattle, Washington 98109, USA

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00