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Health Care Workers
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Anne Greenwald


January 2025
Present Time
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Dear fellow RCers of the U.S.A.,

For many of us, the results of this election were deeply restimulating of the many times earlier in our lives when things went badly for us and there was little we could do about it.  These feelings from early defeats can confuse us about ourselves in the present and about the present situation.

The results of this election do mean that things will get worse for a large number of people in the world.  Though we have had the understanding that our current societies are collapsing it can still be startling when one aspect of that collapse happens right in front of us, in spite of our efforts to keep it from happening.  

From the work we have all done with each other in RC, we have developed a very firm belief that we humans are capable of developing a society that considers everyone’s interest and works to be good for every person.  The development of those conditions is our long-term project.  We will not have the resources necessary to win every struggle against irrationality every time we meet it.  We will have losses and the recent election is an example of that.

Please use this situation to discharge on all of the discouragement and powerlessness, etc., that it restimulates in you.  In every future step of this work, we need to be less and less affected by that undischarged material.

At the same time, this past election provided opportunities for a great number of us to become more fully involved in the work to move our society forward.  We learned many things about what can be done in the electoral process in the United States and ways we could help it work more effectively.  More importantly, I think, a large number of RCers gained a great deal of experience in communicating with people about important issues.  These understandings and the abilities involved in being actively and personally involved with other people on important issues has improved significantly.  This is vital in what we have to do in the future.

We will have many other opportunities soon. Please work to be read and decide to be pleased to have the opportunities.

Well done.
With love and appreciation,


Last modified: 2024-11-09 00:24:35+00