News flash


Value of RC Literature
& Joy of Reading
Saturday, February 22
Marilyn Robb

operational again!

Dear Colleagues,

I'm thinking about you and loving you today.

We have big work to do together, and the U.S. election results clarify that work particularly for those of us in the US.

There are many ways that oppressive forces try to divide us, and all deserve our attention. We'll get to offer each other mutual support and step up as counselors, allies, and accomplices for one another, as well as for our students, and others who will be harshly targeted. This is a time to come together rather than being driven apart or into isolation. Let's reach out. Let's hold and protect one another.

When you have the space, and in the interest of your own reemergence as well as our collective struggle, I want you to move forward with me. As RC Colleagues, I want us to give particular attention to the ways we've been set up in middle agent roles- as "elites"-to maintain this oppressive class system.

Our jobs, and the versions of classism we have taken on through our childhoods and in our academic training, have set us up to perpetuate a vicious class system that has anti-Blackness, sexism, ableism, young people's oppression and more built into its foundation and structure.

The route to liberation (and sustainability) involves our challenging fundamental assumptions of this system and embracing the critical work of changing hearts and minds. We are ideally positioned to do this work, and we get to reclaim the parts of our humanness that will be needed to do it effectively. This will be a win for us and for everyone.

We are already doing good work- stretching to make a difference in the windows we find and reaching for people- and our efforts matter. Let's discharge lots, stay close and connected, and take the next steps together. I'm with you.

Let's start by noticing the victories in this past stretch, grieving this significant election loss, and making space for discharge on terror, outrage, and discouragement.

Jan Froehlich has agreed to offer an initial support group for discharge this coming Tuesday (11/12) 7-9pm EST, and I hope you'll consider joining the Zoom meeting here. ID: 832 0834 3910   Passcode: 222838

With love and respect,
Ellie Brown
Wilmington, Delaware, USA
English, some Spanish

Last modified: 2024-11-09 00:27:48+00